A resourceful young scavenger uncovers a battlesuit trapped within the fractured spacetime of a war-ravaged universe, forcing her to choose between her own escape or aiding the survivor inside.
Olive feared she might vomit which would be a really dumb and dangerous thing to do since her mouth was sealed off (along with the rest of her skin) against the vacuum of space. Basically, her insides had nowhere to go. She swallowed hard. Only little kids got space sick and she wasn’t a little kid, she was fourteen. As soon as the hatch had opened and she went rushing out into the empty, Olive’s skin crystalized—just like it was supposed to.
Science fiction novelette published in
Lightspeed Magazine, issue No. 135 (August 2021).
Be sure to check out my Author Spotlight interview in the same issue.

“It’s a tense, action-packed story about the resilience of hope, and it’s a wonderful read!”
Charles Payseur
Quick Sip Reviews
“Full of action set in an imaginative future.”
Kevin P Hallett
Tangent Online